Saturday, June 30, 2007


Technician and audio operators always asked me how to choose the correct size of amplifier to use for a particular loudspeaker. The answer is not that easily answered, it depends on the thermal/mechanical limits of the drivers and the crossover components. It also depends on the input signal: its peak/average ratio. However there’s an easy way we can determine roughly the size of amplifier. The following example will show you how.

Firstly, we look at the loudspeaker rating, especially the program power rating (refers to loudspeaker spec). What we are going to find out is the OPTIMUM size amplifier power.

Example, Let say we have a loudspeaker with a 500W program power rating. So the recommended power amplifier we are going to use is in the range of 400w (multiply 500W with 0.8) to 625W (multiply 500W with 1.25).
Based on the calculation done, we have a choice to choose an optimum size of amplifier power between 400 W to 625W to drive the 500W loudspeaker.

You may say, how did he come up with the formula to calculate the power of the amplifier. Well the answer is actually, a research is done by Community Professional Loudspeaker to match loudspeaker with the correct optimum size amplifier power.

You can find out more by visiting the manufacturer website at :

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